Weekly Tip 11

Copy files to all existing user profiles and default user profile during application deployment using PowerShell:

 $profiles = (get-childitem C:\Users –force | where-object {$_.mode –eq “d—-”}).name ForEach ($profile in $profiles) { copy-item .\<file> -destination C:\Users\$profile\<rest of path> -recurse } copy-item .\<file> -destination C:\Users\default\<rest of path> -recurse


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Matt Tinney

Professional IT executive & business leader having decades of experience with Microsoft technologies delivering modern-day cloud & security solutions.

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WME Cybersecurity Briefings No. 024
Cyber Security

WME Security Briefing 28 August 2024

GhostWrite Vulnerability in T-Head CPUs Exposes Devices to Unrestricted Access Overview A critical architectural flaw in T-Head’s XuanTie C910 and C920 RISC-V CPUs was uncovered by recent research from the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security. Dubbed GhostWrite, the vulnerability

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