Did you know: Microsoft 365 (M365) Information Governance is updating the ability to have Exchange items support retention labels

Did you know: Microsoft 365 (M365) Information Governance is updating the ability to have Exchange items support retention labels for which period of retention or deletion is based upon when an item was labeled.

Key points:

  • Timing: Initiating release in mid-July and complete for all customers by early August.
  • Rollout: Tenant level
  • Control type: Admin Control
  • Action: Confirm policy expiration date matches your expectation

How this will affect your organization

If you are utilizing retention labels for Exchange Online created in the Information Governance or Records Management solutions of the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center, and these retention labels have their period of retention or deletion based on when the item was labeled, newly labeled messages will have their expiration date based off the date the label was applied rather than when the message was received or sent.

If you’d like to schedule a free one hour consultation on Microsoft 365 roadmap planning with someone from our Microsoft 365 roadmap services team please contact us


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Matt Tinney

Professional IT executive & business leader having decades of experience with Microsoft technologies delivering modern-day cloud & security solutions.

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