Uninstall Windows Intune Agent
Sometimes, the Windows Intune Client might stop working. The best way to uninstall the Intune client is to use a script downloaded from here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=219678.
To Uninstall:
- Extract the downloaded CAB file (as of writing, called “Windows_Intune_AIS_Uninstall_Scripts_Extractor.exe”)
- Extract the OmUninstall.cab file
- Execute “AgentUninstall_Intune.cmd” from an administrator command prompt. Be sure to keep the “AgentUninstall_Intune_IDs.txt” file in the same directory.
The script will exit when the Intune agent is removed. You can now reinstall it.
This script uses the product ID of the Intune client, meaning that you will need to download the package again after every client update.