SCCM 2303 version has been released by Microsoft in April 2023 and it is available as an in-console update and baseline version as well.
The media is available in the Volume license service center (VLSC). You can update the site which is running 2111 or a later version. After updating the CAS and Primary sites, update the clients to take advantage of new features in the 2303 version. Starting with the 2303 version, Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager’s name has been changed to Microsoft Configuration Manager, but the functions are still the same. You can notice the name change in the start menu. It’s now part of the Microsoft Intune family of products. Configuration Manager, Intune, Desktop Analytics, and Autopilot solutions are included in the Intune family.
What are the New Features in the SCCM 2303?
- Improvement to Cloud Sync (Collections to Azure Active Directory Group Synchronization)
Collection member sync status is now available in the Collection Cloud Sync dashboard under Monitoring -> Collection Cloud Sync.
This feature is available for both user collections and device collections. The dashboard displays the Cloud Sync status per collection with the mapped Azure AD group, total member count, synced member count, status (success, failed, in progress) and last sync details.
- Endpoint Security reports in Intune admin center for Tenant Attached devices
Endpoint security reports are available in Intune Admin Center for tenant-attached devices. Unhealthy endpoints and Active malware operational reports will start showing under the Endpoint security node.
Antivirus agent status and Detected malware organizational reports will show under the Microsoft Defender Antivirus node in Intune admin center.
- Endpoint Security reports in Intune admin center for Tenant Attached devices
You can use SQL Server 2022 version in the Central Administration site, Primary site, and Secondary site and the below compatibility levels are supported.
SQL Server version | Supported compatibility levels | Recommended level |
SQL Server 2022 | 150, 140, 130, 120, 110 | 150 |
- Unified update platform (UUP)
Unified Update Platform (UUP) servicing is now available for Windows 11,22H2 devices via WSUS, Configuration Manager.
It is a single publishing, hosting, scan and download model for quality and feature updates. More control over installation time, battery life, and lighter download size. Feature and non-feature update supersedence value should be greater than 3.
- Dark theme has been extended to delete the secondary site wizard in SCCM
Dark theme is now extended for deleting secondary site wizard.
How to use the dark theme in SCCM?
To use the dark theme, choose the switch console theme from the top left of the ribbon and select the switch console theme again to use the normal theme.
Removed community hub service and integration with configuration manager.
Pre-Update Checklist for SCCM 2023 Upgrade
- Supported version of Configuration Manager in all sites
- CAS & Primary sites & Secondary sites must be running with the same version of Configuration Manager to install this update.
- Microsoft .NET version
- Net version 4.6.2 is required for site servers, site systems, and clients. Please install or upgrade the .Net version and restart the servers and the applications which require the .Net version will show the failures sometimes. Install the .Net 4.8 latest version on your environment if possible.
- Windows ADK Version
- Please see the supported versions of ADK in the Microsoft article Windows ADK and update in the site server before installing the configuration manager update and this will automatically update the default boot images.
- Review the site and hierarchy status
- Go through the site and hierarchy status under monitoring in the SCCM console to see if any issues are reported and fix them.
- Replication between sites
- Check database & file-based replications and resolve if any backlog in the replication group, link state, and if there is any error in sender.log, despooler.log.
- Disable database replicas for management points
- Primary sites will not upgrade if database replicas are enabled in the management point. Please disable before installing this update on the primary site.
- Set SQL Server Always On availability groups to manual failover
- Please set manual failover on availability groups before installing the update and you can change to automatic once the site is updated.
- Disable site maintenance tasks
- Configuration manager has a list of maintenance tasks on the site that runs on a scheduled basis. Please disable the tasks before installing the update or else, the update will fail if the maintenance task runs during that time.
- Backup of the site database
- Backup all sites’ database before installing the update and we can use the backup to restore in case of any failure & for disaster recovery.
Download SCCM 2303 Update:
- Launch the SCCM console and go to Administration node -> Updates and Servicing, you will see the updates are listed. Select the SCCM 2303 update and right-click to download the content.
- The SCCM 2303 update is downloading from the internet and make sure you have internet access in the server and monitor dmpdownloader.log for downloading process.

Downloading SCCM 2303 update

- Go to Monitoring -> Updates and Servicing Status, right-click the SCCM 2303 update, and click Show status and you can see more details of the download process.
- If there is any error during the download, you can find out which steps the download has failed. Download Status will change to “completed” once the below sub-tasks are completed.

Monitor SCCM 2303 update download process

SCCM 2303 update download completed
Run Prerequisite Checks for SCCM 2303 Update
Once the download is completed, the update state will move to Ready to install. You can now run prerequisite checks and then proceed with installing the update. Right-click the update and run a prerequisite check.

Run prerequisite checks
To monitor the process, click show Status in the right side and it will list the detailed status of all checks and warning message can be ignored and if any error, you would need to resolve the issue and re-run the process again. You can also monitor ConfigMgrPreReq.log and SCCM Server log to see how its progressing the checks. Prerequisite checks passed with warnings and the update is now ready to install.
Monitor prerequisite checks process
Prerequisite checks process completed
How to Install the SCCM 2303 Update?
Launch the SCCM console and navigate to the Administration node -> Updates and Servicing. Select Configuration Manager 2303 update and right-click Install Update Pack.
Installing SCCM 2303 Update
SCCM 2303 update installation includes Configuration Manager Server Updates, Configuration Manager console updates, Client updates, fixes for known issues, and New Features. Select ignore prerequisites check warnings and proceed with the installation. Click Next.
SCCM 2303 Update Installation – General Tab
On the Features page list, the new features available in this update and you can enable the required update or else, it can be enabled later post the update installation. To enable new features, Go to Administration node -> Updates and Servicing -> Features, it will show the list of features with status, features type and description.
SCCM 2303 Update Installation – Feature Tab
On the Client update options page, select whether you want the clients to be upgraded without validating or validating the clients in the pre-production collection and then upgrade the remaining production clients. I selected Upgrade without validating and Clicked Next.
SCCM 2303 Update Installation – Client Update options
On the License Terms page, select to accept license terms and privacy statement and Click Next to continue.
SCCM 2303 Update Installation – License Terms
On Summary page, review configured settings for the update installation and Click Next.
SCCM 2303 Update Installation – Summary
The update installation has been configured successfully and Click Close to complete the wizard.
SCCM 2303 Update Installation – Completion
How to Monitor SCCM 2303 Upgrade Progress?
To monitor the upgrade process, navigate to the Monitoring node -> Updates and Servicing status, and right-click to show the status of the update. The detailed status includes stopping services and updating the database, registry, and packages. This process would take approximately 30 to 45 minutes.
SCCM 2303 Upgrade Monitoring – InProgress
The upgrade process is completed, and the status moved to the installed state. You can also monitor cmupdate.log in the site server to monitor the upgrade process. After this process, you will need to upgrade the SCCM console, Client packages, and production clients.
SCCM 2303 Upgrade Monitoring – Completed
Open the SCCM console and navigate to Administration -> Site Configuration -> Sites, Select the Primary site and right-click Properties and verify the new version and build number displayed under the General tab. Version – 5.00.9106.1000, Build Number – 9106.
SCCM 2303 Upgrade Verification
SCCM Console Upgrade:
Once the SCCM upgrade is completed, you need to upgrade the SCCM console installed on the site server and other devices as well. There is a warning message displayed in the top ribbon to install the new console version. Please refresh the console or close and open the SCCM console. You will receive the prompt message to start the upgrade process and click ok.
SCCM Console Upgrade Notification
The console upgrade is in progress, and it will take 2-3mins to download the new files and complete the installation. Please monitor the following logs:
- C:\ConfigMgrAdminUISetup.log
- C:\ConfigMgrAdminUISetupVerbose.log
SCCM Console Upgrade InProgress
Once SCCM console upgrade completed, please launch the console, and go to top left center and click blue arrow and choose About Configuration Manager to verify the new version. Version should be 2303, Console Version 5.2303.1089.1000, Site Version 5.0.9106.1000
SCCM Console Upgrade Verification
SCCM Client Package Verification
- Launch the SCCM console and navigate to software library node -> Application Management -> Package, verify the below two client packages are updated.
- The packages need to be updated and distributed to Distribution Points before the SCCM clients upgrade starts.
SCCM Client packages
SCCM Clients Upgrade:
- To enable auto upgrade for production clients, Go to Administration node -> Site Configuration -> Sites -> Select Primary site, Click Hierarchy settings in the top ribbon, and go to Client Upgrade tab.
- Enable Upgrade all clients in the hierarchy using the production client option and specify the number of days the auto upgrade should be completed for clients (7 days by default) and click ok.
- Please run the built-in report or create a collection query to verify the SCCM client version upgrade progress.
SCCM Client automatic upgrade
Wrapping it Up:
In conclusion, the new Microsoft Configuration Manager 2303 version comes with several new features and improvements, such as Cloud Sync, Endpoint Security Reports, and SQL Server 2022 version support, among others.
Before upgrading to this version, it is essential to conduct a pre-update checklist that ensures that your environment is ready for the update. With the help of WME, you can navigate the upgrade process smoothly and without any hassle. Our experts can help you with everything from planning and implementation to ongoing management and support. For more information on how WME can help with SCCM upgrades, please contact us at