Weekly Tip 76

Create ConfigMgr Boundaries from PowerShell

There’s a PowerShell cmdlet called new-cmboundary. This cmdlet can be used to create boundaries from a script. I would suggest using it if you must create a large amount of boundaries at once. You can feed a CSV file to PowerShell the contains the boundary information, then have a ForEach loop cycle through them and create them.

Example CSV:




Example Script:

$new_boundaries = import-csv “.\new-boundaries.csv”

import-module ($Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Substring(0,$Env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH.Length-5) + ‘\ConfigurationManager.psd1’)

cd <site code>:

ForEach ($new_boundary in $new_boundaries) {

$display_name = $new_boundary.displayname

$vlan = $new_boundary.vlan

new-cmboundary -displayname $display_name -boundarytype ipsubnet -value $vlan }

This example script will create IP subnet boundaries. By changing the boundary type parameter, you can also create IP address range and AD site boundaries.


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Picture of Matt Tinney

Matt Tinney

Professional IT executive & business leader having decades of experience with Microsoft technologies delivering modern-day cloud & security solutions.

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