Customized Cybersecurity Solutions for the Legal Industry

Customized Cybersecurity Solutions for the Legal Industry - Article by WME

Cyber threats are everywhere and the legal industry is no exception. In fact, they are evolving quite rapidly here. Already, more than 50% of legal organizations experience cyber breaches every year and the situation is only worsening with time.

So, legal organizations and law firms must protect their operations and precious client data from cyberattacks.

One way to beef up the security of your law firm is by outsourcing its digital security to a Managed cybersecurity provider.

This is an effective way for legal organizations to protect their business from any kind of cyber attack. You can also train your internal teams to take up the cybersecurity initiative on their own. Or, you can purchase some one-time cybersecurity solutions as well. The choice is yours. Once you have a proper understanding of the threat landscape and the solutions you need, the decision becomes easy.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can use the services of a cybersecurity provider to protect your organization. We’ll also see how you can rebrand the cybersecurity services from a firm to further enhance your service portfolio. We’ll explore the use cases to explain such a partnership. Let’s dive in.


What are the biggest cybersecurity threats to law firms?

Here are the top 8 latest cybersecurity threats that law firms may have to encounter:

Phishing Attacks:

Phisihgnis always on the top of the list.

Malicious actors send deceptive emails that appear legitimate and successfully trick users into revealing sensitive information.

Example: An attorney may receive an email seemingly from their client. They may end up opening a file that contains malware.

Ransomware Attacks:

Malicious software encrypts a firm’s data. They may then hold it hostage until a ransom is paid. A recent example is the “REvil” ransomware gang. They targeted law firms and demanded hefty payments for data decryption.

Insider Threats:

Employees or even contractors with access to confidential data may end up leaking sensitive data. An example is an employee copying case files to their USB drive and then leaving the firm.

Zero-Day Exploits:

Cybercriminals exploit unknown vulnerabilities before developers can create patches. Recently, the Microsoft Exchange Server saw such attacks.

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Supply Chain Attacks:

Attackers compromise a third-party vendor/supplier and use their access to infiltrate the target organization. The recent SolarWinds breach is a notable example.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs):

Sophisticated adversaries (often state-sponsored) conduct long-term campaigns to steal sensitive information. A well-known example is the “APT29” group, linked to Russian intelligence. They had been targeting law firms for client data.

IoT Device Vulnerabilities:

Internet of Things (IoT) devices i.e. smart speakers, office appliances, etc. can be entry points for cyberattacks.

For example, a compromised office thermostat could give attackers access to a network.

Fileless Malware:

Malicious code runs in a computer’s memory. It makes it harder to detect with traditional antivirus tools. Legal firms have faced fileless malware attacks where malware is delivered via legitimate-looking documents or links.

Now, these threats emphasize the importance of ongoing cybersecurity measures and employee training within the legal industry.

Choosing the Right Identity & Access Management Solution

Legal Data Compliance: Understanding Key Regulations

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

GDPR is a European regulation. It can affect legal firms worldwide if they deal with European clients/data. It sets strict rules on how you can collect/process personal data.

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Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA ):

If your legal practice handles healthcare-related cases, you’ll need to comply with HIPAA. It safeguards the privacy/security of patient health info in the U.S.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

If you work with clients in California, CCPA is crucial. It grants consumers certain rights over their personal information. It also requires you to have transparent data practices.

ABA Model Rules:

The American Bar Association (ABA) has issued guidelines for legal professionals in the U.S. Some states have adopted variations of these rules as well. So, it’s essential to stay informed.

Florida Consumer Collection Practices Act (FCCPA):

If your practice deals with the subject of debt collection, the FCCPA in Florida sets guidelines on data collection/processing.

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA):

If your law firm deals with clients that offer financial services or handle financial data, you will have to comply with GLBA.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA):

COPPA sets rules for collecting personal information from children under 13 in the United States.

These are only some of the specific government regulations that you should be aware of. Remember, the applicable regulations may vary depending on your location and the types of clients you serve.

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Top 8 Ways to Protect Your Law Firm from Cyber Attacks

  • Adopt a zero-trust approach to cybersecurity. This means verifying the identity and security posture of every user.
  • Implement MFA for all your accounts. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide more than one form of identity verification.
  • Invest in advanced threat detection that uses AI to monitor suspected network activity.
  • Keep your software updated.
  • Equip all devices with comprehensive endpoint security.
  • Train your staff to recognize and respond to potential cybersecurity threats.
  • Develop a clear incident response plan. The plan should outline steps to take in case a cybersecurity breach happens. This plan should include roles and responsibilities, communication protocols, data recovery procedures, etc.
  • Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest.
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How Managed Service Providers Can Help You Secure Your Cloud-based Business?

These security measures ensure your law firm enhances its cybersecurity posture. However, remember, in the world of cybersecurity, proactive prevention is the best defense against potential threats.

Cyber Security Services for Law Firms

Here is a list of the most common cybersecurity services that you may need to strengthen your legal business.

  • Case File Security and Access Control
  • Client Data Protection and Confidentiality
  • Identity & Access Management
  • Legal Research Database Security
  • Secure Communication for Attorney-Client Privilege
  • E-Discovery and Digital Evidence Security
  • Court Filings and Electronic Document Security
  • Secure Video Conferencing for Depositions
  • Conflict of Interest Database Protection
  • Billing and Financial Data Security
  • Regulatory Compliance (i.e. GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)
  • Secure Collaboration Tools for Legal Teams
  • Vendor and Third-Party Risk Assessment
  • Secure Mobile App Development for Legal Purposes
  • Protection of Intellectual Property
  • Law Firm Website and Online Presence Security
  • Secure Legal Research and Analysis Tools
  • Cyber Insurance and Risk Management
  • Secure Remote Work Environments for Legal Professionals

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A Use-Case: How A Law Firm Can Rebrand WME’s  Cybersecurity Solutions As their Own

Let’s elucidate the details of how a potential partnership between the cybersecurity bulk services provider (WME) and the legal firm takes place, if they want to resell the following service:

Cybersecurity Training for Legal Professionals.

Initial Consultation:

The process begins with an initial discussion between WME and the legal firm. During this meeting, both parties discuss the specific cybersecurity training needs of the legal professionals of law firms.

This could include topics like data protection, secure communication, compliance with industry regulations, etc.

Both Parties Customize the Deal:

WME customizes a cybersecurity training program for the legal firm’s unique needs. This program includes modules on identifying phishing attempts, secure document handling, and other areas.

The consequent steps are:

  • WME provides the legal firm with a pricing proposal and the terms of the partnership.
  • Now, they sign an agreement that outlines the responsibilities of each party. It includes the scope of the training program and any confidentiality clauses.
  • WME delivers cybersecurity training to legal professionals on behalf of the law firm.

This partnership benefits both the cybersecurity services provider (WME) and the legal firm. Together, they enhance the cybersecurity postures of law firms.

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What Can be Other Use Cases?

  • Secure Email Communication
  • Secure File Sharing
  • Secure Video Conferencing for Client Meetings
  • Secure Document Redaction and Metadata Removal
  • Protection of Expert Witness and Jury Data
  • Secure VoIP Communication
  • Blockchain and Smart Contract Security
  • Secure Management of Digital Evidence in Litigation
  • Secure Data Disposal and Shredding Services
  • Digital Forensics and Incident Response
  • Protection of Client Trust Accounts
  • Protection of Courtroom Presentation Materials
  • Secure Video Surveillance Systems for Law Offices
  • Protection of Legal Research Libraries
  • Securing Legal Archives and Historical Records

Wrapping it up:

Established in 2008, WME has been at the forefront of protecting law firms from ever-evolving threats and data vulnerabilities. Our main focus has been on email and collaboration security, building on which we strengthen your businesses to operate without any lurking threat of cyberattacks.

We also make sure your law firm doesn’t become vulnerable due to human errors or technological failures. This is where our cybersecurity services become attractive for resellers.

So many law firms these days need cybersecurity solutions, only a law firm can understand their need and constraints in the best possible way. This is where you can cash in and rebrand the cybersecurity services as your own. You can expand your legal services portfolio to enable other law firms to detect cyber threats beforehand and save their reputation.

Cybersecurity for Legal Industry by WME:

The legal industry has unique cybersecurity requirements. Therefore, choosing a cybersecurity service provider with legal industry experience is essential. WME has cybersecurity professionals who specialize in the legal vertical. They can provide solutions that protect your crucial data from multiple types of cyber attacks.

As we discussed earlier, cyber-attacks come in many forms. Phishing, ransomware, data breaches, and whatnot.  So, you need a layered approach to cybersecurity, with solutions to counter all kinds of vulnerabilities to ultimately safeguard law firms.

Here are some of the specifics that you can expect with WME’s cybersecurity services for law firms.

  • Industry-specific expertise for enhanced data protection.
  • Protection against diverse cyber threats.
  • Proactive defense against evolving threats.
  • Streamlined implementation for business continuity.
  • Tailored solutions for unique legal needs.
  • Cost-effective legal cybersecurity without compromising quality.
  • Personalized legal support and guidance.

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Picture of Matt Tinney

Matt Tinney

Professional IT executive & business leader having decades of experience with Microsoft technologies delivering modern-day cloud & security solutions.

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