Monthly Email Newsletter curated by our Top Editors

Header - 2022-07 (July 2022)

Viva Topics is part of the Viva suite. It brings AI models to help you discover key information from your documents and pages. Discovered information is stored as a topic with metadata and additional connections. When users need to get additional information about a specific topic, Viva Topics display all information about it along with related people, documents, pages, etc. I will show you how you can configure it and prepare for work.


Covering from our previous part of the Microsoft Endpoint Manager series we looked at the layout of our application approval workflow and explored some of the native ways we can structure how we handle applications which require specific approval or relevant license tracking.

What we want to do now is to expand on this topic further by adding in the workflow parts which will be able to fully initiate and support any requests which we put in to our endpoint manager environment. Thus having a full automated and structured workflow where can support approvals where needed.

Hi everyone again. In this blog I want to show you how easily you can configure self-service reset password with Microsoft Endpoint Manager. We will make SSRP portal link available from the login screen and users with cloud credentials can request password reset by themselves anytime they need without helpdesk involvement.

First, in Azure AD we need to specify a group of users that can use this feature. We can granularly control access to this feature or we can allow it to everyone.


When we introduced the first part of the series it was more of a teaser or an enhanced version of a table of contents on what is to come on this new series which is all around Windows 11 Management.

Today we look to now expand on this topic as this being the first real part of the Leveraging Windows 11 management, where we will get into the ballistics of going through how we assess overall readiness of Windows 11.

Readiness is not necessarily just about going from one OS to another on specific or all clients, but also the readiness of your overall environment and how this will affect your working situation and plans moving forward. We want to ensure that a transition into Windows 11 as well as leveraging it does not have a negative impact and this is what we look to achieve with this next part within the series.

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WME Tech Bites July 2022

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