OSD Issue with Windows 10 1703

Today I ran across an issue when deploying Windows 10 1703. After ConfigMgr applies the image and restarts, the machine would either hang at “Just a moment” for anywhere from 15 – 60 minutes, or stop at the WiFi setup step of OOBE. This build had no unattend file applied to it during image capture.

After digging around online, I came up with a solution. I applied an unattend file that hid WiFi setup, and disabled both user and computer OOBE. I did not do this during image capture; I added it to the Apply Operating System step of my task sequence.

My unattend file is available for download at the bottom of this post (you’ll need to rename it to XML extension). Here’s what the unattend file looks like from System Image Manager:

After applying this, my task sequence worked like a charm.

[download id=”5908″]

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Picture of Matt Tinney

Matt Tinney

Professional IT executive & business leader having decades of experience with Microsoft technologies delivering modern-day cloud & security solutions.

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