Installing the App-V 5.1 Client
App-V comes with the Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack. You get this if you are a Software Assurance customer.
Deploying the client is fairly straightforward. From Windows 10, you need two prerequisites – Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 32-bit MFC Update (found here: and the Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 that matches your system architecture (found here: The 2005 redistributable is very specific to that version – the 2013 it doesn’t matter.
(Prerequisites for additional operating systems found here:
After you have your prerequisites installed, installing the App-V client is easy. I like to install the MSI version, so to extract that, run this command against the EXE installer:
appv_client_setup.exe /layout /layoutdir=”<extraction directory>”
Now that you have the MSI, install it with this command:
msiexec /i appv_client_MSI_x64.msi /qb ACCEPTEULA=1
For an entire list of configuration parameters, go here: