WSUS Cleanup Script
There’s a PowerShell cmdlet in Server 2012 R2 that allows you to run a WSUS cleanup. Here is a script that will perform the cleanup and log the activity:
$log_file = “D:\wsus-cleanup.log”
$result = Get-WsusServer | Invoke-WsusServerCleanup -CleanupObsoleteUpdates -CleanupUnneededContentFiles -CompressUpdates -DeclineExpiredUpdates -DeclineSupersededUpdates
get-date -format g | add-content $log_file
add-content $log_file $result
add-content $log_file “”
$result = $null
This script will cleanup obsolete updates, content files, remove superseded, and remove expired updates. You can add this script as a scheduled task on your WSUS server.
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